Picture by Ken Roosenberg
In America, too often we are caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. We never take the time to slow down and appreciate the simple joys in life. Here is one of my precious buddies of Swaziland, Africa. He was mesmerized by my sunglasses and would try to pull them off my face. I moved them to the top of my head to get them out of reach and to let him see my eyes. He looked at me but I could not get him to smile. He was curious about the hair on my forearms, taking the time to pull and tug at it. He also liked to try to turn the knob on my watch, while still looking at me inquisitively, but still no smile. When I got the idea to take my sunglasses off my head and put them on him, it was just like magic, almost if my sunglasses had super human powers. His faced turned to a little smile, but it wasn't until I took his picture and then turned the camera to him so he could see himself, that his whole face lit up. That's when I snapped this picture and the rest is history. I had a buddy for the rest of the afternoon. We showed his friends and I spent the next 20 minutes doing the same with many, many children. A no cost activity that created an instant bond.
In Mark 10:14, Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Amen, Amen, Amen! God please pour your blessings on these beautiful children.
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