Sunday, October 17, 2010

Comfort and Safety

Picture by Ken Roosenberg

In Swaziland, thousands and thousands of children walk roughly 3-5 miles each way on a daily basis just to get their only meals of the day at one of A.I.M.'s care centers. Most are walking alone or maybe with a sibling. Many have no parents to watch over them. To make matters even worse, many fall victim to incest and/or child sex trafficking. How does a child, lets say from 2 years of age on up, know where to go to be safe? How do they know who to trust? Who will not take advantage of them?

An answer has been provided. The children know as they are walking along the many dirt roads of Swaziland, that when they run across these familiar 2-tone blue buildings that it is one of A.I.M.'s care centers. They come to know that here is where they can come for safety, for a hot meal, for a drink of water, for a much needed hug, and where they hear about the love of Jesus.

Safety. Comfort. Security. These are all things that many of us take for granted. Most of us Americans do not live in fear of our safety, or where we will get food or where we can get a  drink of water. Water. Do you ever really worry about where or when you can get a drink of water and whether or not it is safe to drink? This is something they face every single day.

Please take a moment right now to thank God, that the basic necessities of life are provided to you without any doubt. Please also stop now to say a prayer for these young children who have to fight the fight daily for the basic necessities. Please dear Lord guide and protect these little children. Their images are forever burnt into my mind. My heart breaks for them. Wrap them in your armor.

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